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GCSE and A Level Assessment 2021

In order to give you as much clarity as possible about our GCSE and A Level grading processes, we have published additional guidance for Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 subjects.

This guidance is divided into subjects and lists the key evidence that we will use to determine final grades for our students. We are not able to provide the weighting attached to each of the ‘baskets of evidence’ relative to each other, nor are we able to provide the grade that your child has achieved. We are providing this information to give you and your child a summary of how final grades in each subject will be determined.

We recognise that, in certain exceptional circumstances, Covid-19 issues might have had a significantly more negative impact on these baskets of evidence for a small number of our students compared to their peers. For example, a student might have been suffering from Covid-19 when a particular assessment took place, or a close family member might have passed away during a key assessment period. In order to give parents the opportunity to bring such issues to our attention, we have designed a ‘Evidence Query’ document. Please note, however, that we have very limited flexibility to adjust for such issues. Your circumstances would need to meet very specific criteria and be substantially more severe than others in the year group for us to make any allowance for such factors.


The deadline for submission of these requests is 5pm on Friday May 21st

Ofqual guidance for students on assessments and grading, summer 2021

Malpractice Guidance 2020-21


Information regarding assessment baskets of evidence

A Level subject evidence

GCSE subject evidence

Form to submit evidence query


Centre assessed grades policy 2021

Another set of fantastic results!


Of our students achieved  English and mathematics GCSEs at grades 4 or greater (secure pass).


Of our students achieved English and mathematics GCSEs at grades 5 or greater (good pass).


Of all grades achieved at GCSE were grade 7 or higher.


Of our students achieved grade 7 or higher in 5 or more GCSE subjects.


Of our students were entered for the EBACC


St. Joseph’s College is graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.